Tender For repairing of 600 mm, 450 mm dia and 350 mm dia water line respectively near sub registar office saroop nagar, libaspur bus stand and k-block gurudwara jahangirpuri in badli constituency, ac-05 under ee(d)-041.
Tender For construction of under ground drainage system(partly) adjacent to front side office toilet block by double wall corrugated high density polythelene pipes at sree ,99/1 ,karl marx sarani, khidderpore during the year 2024-25 and additional 20 (twenty)nos.of more works.
Tender For shifting of overhead line along with damaged steel tubular pole nearby post office, dss and f block of teacher flat in himgiri flat at bhu, varanasi
Tender For c.c. approach along treasury office building at new collectrate office gwalior and special repair work of renovation and repairing of rb qtr m-12 m-block section under h.q.2 sub division gwalior
Tender For annual repair and maintenance of fire station safdarjung, new delhi during 2024-25 (sh cleaning of sewer line and replacement of water storage tank and day to day miscellaneous repair in office block).